With my glass painting I fill transparent, geometric spaces whose visual explorations produce surprising variations in forms. Different perspectives on apparent spherical floating built-up forms of linear brush strokes, reveal to the viewer new perspectives within the object’s space.


I favour commercial float glass for my work.
In earlier pieces I cut these into slats, in themselves slight changing form which I layered in a stainless steel profile or between stone, wood or coal. It resulted in light converging fields or blocks of clear or coloured glass as an interruption in a tumben, glass contrary material.
Later I produced slim cases in which I stacked square, painted small glass slivers. Out of that the group of works, ‘Where the shark blows bubbles’ developed.
These days I work predominantly within this area. With delicate brush strokes I paint or draw on single panes that, layered and glued, seemingly float in the glass creating three dimensional shapes.
Those revealed paintings, similar to the above described box objects, at times more or less visible leading almost to a complete dissolution depending on the viewer’s angle, are mirrored on the inside of these object blocks which are polished on all sides.
In this way variations of forms are created, mirror axes, views of one and the same body depending on one’s point of observation.


Kleve, Sparkasse Kellen.D.

21 Fenster der St. Willibroardkapelle in Kleve Kellen.D.

Rabo-Bank Millingen/ an de Rijn NL.

Ernsting Stiftung Alter Hof Herding. D.

Portalfenster St. Anna Materborn.D.

Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg. D.

Glasmuseum Immenhausen. D.

Imagine Museum St Petersburg. USA Florida

Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas, Rödental Bayern /D..

Flint Institut of Arts, Flint MI. USA.

Ford Wayne Museum of Art IN. USA.

Glass Light Hotel & Gallery, Autograph Collections Norfolk  VA 23529 USA

Barry Art Museum Norfolk VA 23529 USA

Museum of Glass Tacoma WA. USA

Glass Museum Charleroi / 6001 Charleroi Belgien

Achilles-Stiftung Hamburg Germany

EXHIBITIONS ( Selection)



30. 11. 2024 – 07. 12. 2024
„Unikate“ Kunst, Handwerk, Design
Im Foyer der Handwerkskammer Düssseldorf

24. 11. 2024 – 16. 02 2025
European Prize for Applied Arts 24
Opening and Awards Ceremony: 23 November 2024
Venue: Grande Halle of the Anciens Abattoirs site in Mons (Belgium)

22. 10. – 25. 10. 2024
Glasstec Düsseldorf
Gemeinschaftsstand der GKV/NRW e.V., Halle 16 B01

02. 10. 2024 Finisage 18:00
„aufbruch“ Waldmuseum Zwiesel
Kirchplatz 3 94227 Zwiesel

27. 09. 2024 – 16. 12. 2024
2. Glaspreis der Stadt Hadamar 2024
Glasmuseum Schloss Hadamar

21. 09. 2024 – 10. 12. 2024
2nd International Contemporary Material Art Biennale
Xinjiang Karamay Art Museum & Cultur Center /CN

21. 09. 2024 – 15. 11. 2024
40th Anniversary Exhibition
Sandra Ainsley Gallery Toronto 100 Sunrise Ave Junit 105 Toronto/Ontario /C

02. 06. 2024  – 18. 08. 2024
Continuum Gallery, Wintermühlenhof 11, 53639 Königswinter

04. 05. 2024 – 04. 06. 2024
Hawk Galleries
Michael Behrens / Wilfried Grootens
153 East Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215

01. 05. 2024 – 30. 08. 2024
52nd Annual International Glass Invitational Award Exhibition.
Habatat Gallery 4400 Fernlee Ave Royal Oak, MI 48073

28. 04. 2024 – 26. 05. 2024
Glaskünstlervereinigung NRW e.V. wird präsentiert vom:
Museum und Glasstudio Baruther Glashütte
Hüttenweg19 . 15837 Baruth-Glashütte.

18. 02. 2024 – 01. 05. 2024
Entfaltung Andrea Noeske-Porada, Mathias Renner, Wilfried Grootens
Kunstinitiative Wurzeln und Flügel e.V. Schloss Reuschenberg
Gerhard-Hoehme-Allee 1
41466 Neuss

01. 02. 2024 – 04. 02. 2024
Glass Coast Weekend/ Glass Art Fair 2024
Ringling College of Art
Sarasota / St Peterburg Florida


05. 11. 2023  – 21. 02. 2024
In the heat of the night
Continuum Gallery, Wintermühlenhof 11, 53639 Königswinter

27. 05. 2023 – 13. 08. 2023
ManuFactum im MAKK
Museum für angewandte Kunst Köln/D

15. 02. 2023 – 19. 02. 2023
Los Angeles Art Show
LA Convention Center Montague Gallery

23. 02. 2023 – 26. 02. 2023
Grootens Between Worlds Solo
Ringling College of Art
Sarasota/ Florida. With Habatat Gallery  

03. 06. 2023 – 10. 06. 2023
51. International Invitation 2023
Habatat Gallery RoyalOak Detroit MI

05. 10. 2023 – 3.12. 2023
International Biennale of Glass2023 Bulgaria Sofia 
National Gallery “Kvadrat500 “




Art Hofburg Vienna with
Sikabonyi Gallery

Art Market San Francisco
Fort Mason Center
Montague Gallery SF USA

A Journey with Robert Minkhoff
Museum of Glass / Minkhoff Foundation
1801 Dock Street, Tacoma, WA 98402 p 253.284.470528. 04.  

The 50th Glass International Award Exhibition
Celebrating the International Year of Glass.
HABATAT MI, 4400 Fernlee Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48073, www.habatat.com/rsvp

GLAS 2022 . 8. Immenhäuser Glaspreis

InterRegional GLASHEIMAT BAYERN und Glaskünstlervereinigung NRW
LWL-Industriemuseum, Gernheim 12,
32469 Petershagen

Coburger Glaspreis 2022
Veste Coburg und Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas

KALT Kunstwerke der Kaltglastechnik
Ernsting Stiftung Alter Hof Hering Coesfeld Lette

Glasstec Sondershow „Glassart“
Messe Düsseldorf Halle 9

Achilles Stiftung Glasmuseum
Fuhlsbüttler Str. 415a, 22309 Hamburg


In the heat of the night Continuum
Gallery Königswinter, Germany

LWL-Glasmuseum Gernheim InterRegional
GKV/NRW+ Glasheimat Bayern

Intersect – SOFA Chicago 
Habatat Galleries Chicago, Illinois, USA
www.sofaexpo.com www.habatat.com

Glas hat uns 
Deutsches Glasmalerei-Museum Linnich
Glas hat uns GKV/NRW+ GKV/NRW

Habatat Galleries Royal Oak MI USA 

International Biennale of Glass2021 Bulgaria Sofia 
National Gallery “Kvadrat500 “

50 Years of Habatat Galleries
Royal Oak MI USA Habatat Galleries

Glaspavillon Rheinbach GKV/NRW e.V.

Glasmuseum Frauenau „InterRegional“
Glasheimat Bayern + GKV/NRW

Jubiläum expositie
VVMG Nationaal Glasmuseum Leerdam NL

Wilfried Grootens „Glasmalerei“
Galerie Spiegel Minden Solo

49th International Glass
Invitational Award Exibition
Royal Oak MI . Habatat Galleries

Splash – Glass Coast Weekend
Habatat Galleries St. Petersburg, Florida, USA


In the heat of the Night 
Continuum Gallery Königswinter/ D

Schiepers Galerie
Hasselt, Belgien

SOFA Chicago Intersect
Mit Habatat Galleries Detroit

48 the International Glass 
Invitational Award Exibition 

Habatat Galleries  

ART Toronto 2020 mit Sandra Ainsley
Galerie Toronto

Glasscoast Weekend 
Habatat Galleries 
St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

Montague Gallery
San Francisco Solo

Illusionary Worlds of Wilfried Grootens


4th Annual Glass Coast Weekend 2019
Habatat Galleries
St. Peter&Sarasota Florida

Art Toronto
with Sandra Ainsley Gallery

47. International Glass Invitational Award Exhibition 
Habatat Gallery Rojal Oak

SOFA Chicago 2019

im Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln

Zwieseler Glastage


Continuum Gallery – In the heat of the night

PAN Amsterdam
with Etienne Gallery

Sofa Chicago
with Habatat Gallery

Glasrijk Tubbergen 2018 International Glass Art Event 

Art Toronto
with Sandra Ainsley Gallery

Glastec Düsseldorf
mit der GKV NRW e.V.

Alles Rund – Punkt , Kreis, Kugel
Galerie Handwerk München 

Art Breda
with Etienne Galerie

46. International Glass Invitational Award Exhibition
Habatat Gallery Rojal Oak

Best of Glasspreis Preisträger 2000 – 2015
Glasmuseum Immernhausen / D

Schiepers Gallery M. Behrens & W. Grootens
Hasselt Belgium

Sarasota Glass Weekend 2018
Habatat Gallerys


Iglass LevantArt Gallery Shanghai C.

PAN Amsterdam
with Etienne Gallery

45th Glass International Award Exhibition Royal Oak
Habatat Gallery.USA

Art Palm Beach

Longboat Key Center for the Arts
Sarasota Florida USA

Exempla 2017
IHM München D


ART/TO Art Toronto
Sandra Ainsley Gallery

SOFA Chicago

“Glass now”
Galerie Handwerk München D

“Summer of Glass”
Fort Wayne Museum of Art / USA

The International Exhibition of Glass
Kanazawa Japan.

Notojima Glass Art
Museum, Notojima, Japan

Solo Etienne Gallery

Glasmuseet Ebeltoft DK

Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas
Coburg D


SOFA Chicago 2015

Museum für angewandte Kunst Köln D

6. Immenhäuser Glaspreis
Glasmuseum Immenhausen D

Ford Wayne Museum of Art


SOFA Chicago 2014

Coburger Glaspreis 2014


The International Exhibition of Glass
Kanazawa 2013 

SOFA Chicago 2013 

Exhibitions: D. NL. GB. USA. J. PL. CZ. A. CA. DK.

Oran & white . 21 x 21 x 21 cm . 2017

Born 1954 in Uedem, Germany.1969 to 1973 apprenticeship as glass and porcelain painter with Hein Derix in Kevelaer. 1973 to 1981 travelled through Asia, South and Central America and the Middle East. 1988 exams for master’s certificate. 1989 Own studio in Kleve.

Play Video

1991 Second prize in the glass competition of the Galerie Ewers at Gross St. Martin.

2003 Second prize Immenhäuser Glass Prize

2009 Third prize Immenhäuser Glass Prize

2010 Second prize Glasveredlerpreis zur Glasstec 2010.

2011 State prize NRW

2011 Third prize TGK international competition 2011

2013 Third prize 'Fun with colours'  TGK international competition 2013

2015 Ford Wayne Museum of Art Award

2015 Second prize Immenhäuser Glass Prize

2015 Public prize Immenhäuser Glass Prize

2016 Collectors Award at Habatat Galleries International Glass Exhibition.

2016 First price Glass finishing price Glasstec 2016 Düsseldorf

2017 Ford Wayne Museum of Art Award

2019 Ford Wayne Museum of Art Award

2022 Award of Excellence during the 2022 Glass International at Habatat Gallery Royal Oak

2023  Imagine Museum Award  2023 "Artist of the future" St Petersburg Florida

2023 Staatspreis MANUFACTUM
für angewandte Kunst und Design im Handwerk, Sonderpreis Skulptur

2023 Publikumspreis  Ausstellung zum Staatspreis Manufactum im MAKK Köln

2024 Glass 52 Habatat Detroit Award of Excelence

2024 Publikumspreis zur internationalen Glaskunstausstellung 2024“Aufbruch“ im Waldmuseum Zwiesel / D

2024 Audience Award for the international glass art exhibition 2024 “Aufbruch” at the Waldmuseum Zwiesel / D

Glass Light Hotel & Gallery, Autograph Collections Norfolk  VA 23529 USA

Barry Art Museum Norfolk VA 23529 USA

Kleve, Sparkasse Kellen.DE

21 Fenster der St. Willibroardkapelle in Kleve Kellen.DE

Rabo-Bank Millingen / an de Rijn NL.

Ernsting Stiftung Alter Hof Herding.DE

Sammlung Trösch. CH.

Portalfenster St. Anna Materborn.DE

Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas, Rödental Bayern.DE

Glasmuseum Immenhausen.DE

Flint Institut of Arts, Flint MI. USA

Imagin Museum St. Petersburg FL. USA

Ford Wayne Kunstmuseum IN. USA

Museum of Glass Tacoma WA. USA

Glass Museum Charleroi / 6001 Charleroi Belgien

Achilles-Stiftung Hamburg

2023  International Biennale of Glass S.211 ISBN 9772815520004

2023  MANUFACTUM Staatspreis NRW S.74/75

2023  Imagine Museum Contemporary Glass Art S.60/61/206 ISBN 978-1-66789-249-8

2022  Coburger Glaspreis S. 101 ISBN 978-3-7319-1194-4

2022  Glas 2022-8. Immenhäuser Glaspreis S.30/31

2022  Neues Glas Nr.4/2022 S.35

2022  New Glass Review ISBN 978-0-87290-229-9. S.117

2021  Interregional Schriftenreihe des Glasmuseums Frauenau S.34/35 Band 21

2021  Achtung! Zerbrechlich! Tradition im Wandel Waldmuseum Zwiesel S.54/55

2021  International Biennale of Glass S. 171 ISBN 978-619-233-180-1

2021  Glas hat uns GKV/ NRW Deutsches Glasmalerei-Museum Linnich S.6/12/13/42/43/44/45/109 ISBN 978-3-9946278-05-4

2021  Neues Glas Nr3/2021S.42

2020  Glashaus 4/2020 S.8/9

2019  The European Museum of Modern Glass S.124/125 ISBN 978-3-422-98027-3

2019  Glasschätze gesammelt, gesehen, neu geschaffen. Waldmuseum Zwiesel S.20/21

2018  The James Della Collection Glass 3 S.347 ISBN 978-0-615-56659-7

2018  New Glass Review Corning NY 39 S.42

2018  Neues Glas Art & Architecture 1/2018 S.26-29

2018  Glas Magazin über Glaskunst 18/2 Titelseite S.7-9

2018  Die Rogers Collection Glass Masterworks S.97

2017  “Külm-Kuum” Hot/Cold International Conference Tallin ISBN 978-9949-88-459-9 S. 70/71

2017  45. International Glass Invitational Habatat Galleries Rojal Oak S.16

2017  Iglass 2017 InternationalContemporary Glass Exibition Shanghai Katalog S.59-66

2017  45. Internationaler Glaseinladungskatalog S.5,40.

2017  ManuFactum Staatspreis im Handwerk Katalog S.38

2017  Restaurator im Handwerk 4/2017 Titelseite, S. 44-45

2017  Das Europäische Museum für Modernes Glas ISBN: 978-3-422-02446-5 S. 124,125

2016  112 Zeitgenössische Künstler Glaskunst ISBN: 978-7643-5188-4 S.90,91

2016  Ornament Glasmuseet Ebeltoft Katalog ISBN: 978-91179-28-0 S.88,89,72,73

2016  Wilfried Grootens  Wo die Haiflasen blasen ISBN 978-3-00-050630-7

2016  Wer hat das gedacht! Glasmuseum Alter Hof Herding Glasdepot Höltingshof ISBN: 978-3-00-053374-7

2016  44. International Glass INvitational Habatat Galleries Rojal Oak Katalog S.37.

2016  Schein und Sein Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas Katalog S.1,3.

2016  Die Internationale Ausstellung für Glas Kanazawa 2016 Katalog S. 61,30.

2016  Wilfried Grootens Wo die Haifischblasen blubbern ISBN 978-3-00-050630-7

2016  Wer hätte das gedacht! Glasmuseum Alter Hof Herding ISBN: 978-3-00-053374-7

2016  The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa 2016 Katalog S. 61,30.

2015  The Creative Process Habatat Gallerys 43rd S. 68/69

2014  Coburger Glaspreis 2014 Katalog S.245, 102

2013  SOFA Chicago Katalog

2013  Die internationale Ausstellung von Glas Kanazawa 2013 Katalog S.31

2013  Erster Hadamarer Glaspreis, Katalog S.34/35

2013  The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa 2013 S.31

2012  Rotation SiO2 Gernheim ISBN 978-3-8375-0774-4 S.20/21/58

2012  Rotation SiO2 Gernheim 

2012  Glashaus 1/12, S.1 / 12

2011  Manu Factum, S.84

2010  New Glass Review 31, Corning Museum of Glass, S.20

2009  Neues Glas, S.42,

2009  Manu Factum Katalog, S.98,

2009  Vierter Immenhäuser, Glaspreis Katalog S 46/47,

2009  Glasmuseum Hentrich, GLASpecte Katalog, Seite 30/31.

2009  Glashaus 3/2009, S 15, 

2008  „Glaskünstlervereinigung NRW eV“ Herausgegeben zur Glasstec 2008 „Licht-Schacht“

2007  ART ORT 2007 Jahresausstellung Kleve

2007  Fragile-breekbar Glasrijk, Tubbergen 2007,

2007  Weru- Glaskunstpreis

2007  Zeitschrift Garten Praxis 11/2007, Seite 35

2006  3. Immenhäuser Glaspreis

2006  Jubileumsboek 2006 Glasrijk Tubbergen

2006  ART ORT Kleve, Jahresausstellung Kleve

2006  New Glass Review 27, Das Corning Museum of Glass

2006  Coburger Glaspreis 2006 S.235 ISBN 3-87472-086-1

2005  Manu Factum 05 22. Landesausstellung Kreismuseum Zonen ART ORT

2005  ART ORT, Jahresausstellung Kleve

2005  Glasrijk Tubbergen, Kunstkatalog

2005  Zeitschrift Glasshouse 4/2005 Seite 4

2005  Klevision 1/2005 Titelseite, Seite 1 und Seite 14

2004  ART ORT, Kleve

2003  hier+heute Glas aus Deutschland ISBN 3-925 690-52-2 S.36/37

Habatat Galleries Detroit
4400 Fernlee Ave . Royal Oak . MI 48073, USA

Sandra Ainsley Gallery
The Warehouse100 Sunrise Avenue . Unit 150 . Toronto, Ontario Canada M4A 1B3

Wintermühlenhof 11 . D-53639 Königswinter

Schürenberg Kunsthandel
Annastrasse 17 . D-52062 Aachen

Piece Art Gallery
122 East Meadow Drive . UnitE-1 Vail . CO 81657  USA

Raven Gallery
433 East Cooper Avenue . Aspen . Colorado 81611 USA

Shaw Gallery
761 5th Ave S . Naples . Florida 34102 . USA

Gallery Sikabonyi
Kohlmarkt 7 . 1010 Wien . Austria

29 Lowndes Street . Knightsbridge . London . SW1X 9HX

Etiennen Gallery
De Lind38 . 5061HX . Oisterwijk . Niederlande

Galerie Spiegel
Hahler Straße 129 . D-32427 Minden

Wilfried Grootens . Am Deich 20E . 47533 Kleve . Mobil: +49 171 7926108 . wilfried.grootens@t‍-‍online.de 

Wilfried Grootens  
Am Deich 20E
. 47533 Kleve    Mobil: +49 171 7926108  wilfried.grootens@t‍-‍online.de

Wilfried Grootens
Am Deich 20E 
47533 Kleve
Mobil: +49 171 7926108

Wilfried Grootens . Am Deich 20F 47533 Kleve . Mobil: +49 171 7926108 . wilfried.grootens@t‍-‍online.de

Legal Notice & Disclaimer

Copyright Notice & Terms of Use
All information made available on the web pages of Wilfried Grootens and the design features displayed on these sites are subject to copyright, except for information, which according to the mandatory provisions of copyright law, are in the public domain. Consequently, copying by any means without the express permission of the author is only permitted insofar as necessary for normal use, in other words display of the accessed page on a monitor. This includes the automatic and temporary storage in the cache of the user's Internet browser. Any further reproduction, distribution or processing may be carried out only with the previous explicit permission of the copyright owner.

The exclusive rights of copying, exploitation, distribution, and other assignable copyrights belong to the partners of Wilfried Grootens.

Web Design + Screen Design + Grafik Design + Web Development . Lioba Simons . E-Mail . Tina Draempaehl .  E-Mail . www.36komma7.de

All photos: Norbert Heyl . www.norbertheyl.com


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Cookies that are required for the performance of the electronic communications transaction or to provide certain functions you want to use (e.g. the shopping cart function), are stored on the basis of Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in storing cookies to ensure the technically error free and optimised provision of the operator’s services. If other cookies (e.g. cookies for the analysis of your browsing patterns) should be stored, they are addressed separately in this Data Protection Declaration.

Server log files
The provider of this website and its pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser communicates to us automatically. The information comprises:
The type and version of browser used
The used operating system
Referrer URL
The hostname of the accessing computer
The time of the server inquiry
The IP address
This data is not merged with other data sources.
The operator of the website has a legitimate interest in the technically error free depiction and the optimization of the operator’s website. In order to achieve this, server log files must be recorded.

Request by e-mail, telephone or fax
If you contact us by e-mail, telephone or fax, your request, including all resulting personal data (name, request) will be stored and processed by us for the purpose of processing your request. We do not pass these data on without your consent.
The processing of these data is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR, if your request is related to the execution of a contract or if it is necessary to carry out pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, the processing is based on your consent (Article 6 (1) a GDPR) and/or on our legitimate interests (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR), since we have a legitimate interest in the effective processing of requests addressed to us.
The data sent by you to us via contact requests remain with us until you request us to delete, revoke your consent to the storage or the purpose for the data storage lapses (e.g. after completion of your request). Mandatory statutory provisions – in particular statutory retention periods – remain unaffected.


4. External contents

(a) Google Maps API: Under the heading „Contact“ you will find a route planner with the Google Maps API. Here the visitor of the page can enter his start address. This data is then processed by the Google API. We have no control over the data collected and processed by Google. The privacy policy of Google applies.

b) Facebook: On the pages of our blog you will find buttons to call up so-called social networks or services, including Facebook (Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland) - Privacy Policy, Opt-Out and Privacy Shield.

c) Twitter: On the pages of our blog you will find buttons for accessing social networks and services, including Twitter (Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA) - data protection declaration, opt-out and privacy shield.

d) Xing: On the pages of our blog you will find buttons for accessing social networks and services, including Xing (XING AG, Dammtorstraße 29-32, 20354 Hamburg, Germany) - Privacy Policy/ Opt-Out.

e) LinkedIn: On the pages of our blog, you will find buttons for accessing so-called social networks and services, including LinkedIn (LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland) - data protection declaration, opt-out and privacy shield.

f) YouTube: Wilfried Grootens has integrated components of YouTube on this website. The operating company of YouTube is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube, LLC is a subsidiary of Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA. The privacy policy published by YouTube provides information about the collection, processing and use of personal data by YouTube and Google.

g) Vimeo: Wilfried Grootens has integrated components from Vimeo on this website. The operating company of Vimeo is Vimeo, Inc, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA (https://vimeo.com). The privacy policy published by Vimeo, which can be found at www. vimeo, Inc. provides information about the collection, processing and use of personal data by Vimeo. The statements made above under letter f) apply accordingly to this service.

The services mentioned above under letters a)-e) use the buttons to obtain and evaluate information according to their data protection regulations. Visitors to the relevant pages who are not familiar with the respective data protection regulations should refrain from using the buttons. Visitors who do not agree with the collection and use of data by the companies mentioned may not use the buttons. In this case Wilfried Grootens also expressly advises against accessing their blog pages at all.


5. Plug-ins and Tools

Google Web Fonts
To ensure that fonts used on this website are uniform, this website uses so-called Web Fonts provided by Google. When you access a page on our website, your browser will load the required web fonts into your browser cache to correctly display text and fonts.
To do this, the browser you use will have to establish a connection with Google’s servers. As a result, Google will learn that your IP address was used to access our website. The use of Google Web Fonts is based on our interest in presenting our online content in a uniform and appealing way. According to Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR, this is a legitimate interest.
If your browser should not support Web Fonts, a standard font installed on your computer will be used.
For more information on Google Web Fonts, please follow this link: https://developers.google.com/fonts/faq and consult Google’s Data Privacy Declaration under: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.